Week of April 18th, 2016

Whatever it Takes episode 3 aired this past Friday with over 20,000 hours watch between all three episodes this series is on fire, subscribe now at Grantcardonetv.com/whateverittakes for this exclusive content on Grant Cardone’s new hiring process. We’ve launched a new show on Grant Cardone TV Kevin Harrington the original members of shark is now dropping a show called mentor to millions exclusively on Grantcardonetv.com learn everything you need to know about how to find a great mentor what to look for and Kevin walk you through the steps to get on your path to ultimate mentorship stay tuned new episodes coming. Steve Kalayjian out of NYC the stock genius U.S. Equity Markets Flat, Gold Down on Federal Funds Rating this guy every week will die you everything you need to know with daily updates about whats the latest in the stock market subscribe now at grantcardonetv.com/marketmaker David Frangioni and I sat down this week to discuss when is no a no in business the answer never in this 30 minute discussion we walk through all the tips on how to handle negotiations, deals that have gone wrong and how to keep the door open for the future. You can see that and other episodes with Aerosmiths right hand man at https://grantcardonetv.com/yourrockstarbusiness Grant Cardone exploded on Young Hustlers with tips on young money mistakes and talks about money mistakes and how to avoid them so you can get rich. Mistakes to Avoid: #1 Not focusing on it—“I’m gonna help everyone” look you can’t even help yourself. How can you help others if you can’t help yourself? You get what you focus on.
#2 Blowing money when you get it—For some it doesn’t matter how much they earn they’ll spend it all. People think they have to reward themselves. No you don’t. Put it aside. Be broke again. You don’t need to try and be a baller when you are in reality a pretender.
#3Learn the sales game—Learn to pitch a simple glass of water. How do you add value, how do you get attention? Ability + skills = bank account. Grind and hustle is not enough.
#4 Getting satisfied—If you get satisfied the market place will discipline you. Pay the price today so you can pay any price tomorrow.
#5 Investing too soon—Wait until you have something big and go all in. Grant Cardone was also in Ft. bragg on Friday to deliver a powerful message to the troops regarding how to transition from military life to the everyday world that who presentation will be live on grantcardone tv.com We are still looking for your best water pitch if you think you have what it takes to sell a glass a water well we want to see it send us your 60 second pitch to [email protected] to enter your chance to win $1000 and come to Miami for a finalist round and be selected as the person with the best pitch. Subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes and stitcher.
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Star of Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” Grant Cardone owns and operates seven privately held companies and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets under management valued at over $4 billion. He is the Top Crowdfunder in the world, raising over $900 million in equity via social media. Known internationally as the leading expert on sales, marketing, and scaling businesses, Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including “The 10X Rule,” which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world. The online business and sales educational platform he created, Cardone University, serves over 411,000 individuals and Forbes 100 corporate clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 15 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underserved, at-risk adolescents in financial literacy, especially those without father figures.