“Jacqueline Whitmore, a contributor at Entrepreneur.com, wrote a nice article on ‘How to write an unforgettable thank you note’. It’s worth a read.” – GC
How to Write an Unforgettable Thank-You Note by Jacqueline Whitmore
Twenty years ago, I wrote a thank-you to a man named Brian from the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority. I was on a recycling field trip with a group of people from my office and he was our tour guide. After the tour, Brian and I exchanged business cards and made small talk. I got the feeling that we both were interested in learning more about each other, on a personal level.
After the tour I sent him the note. A week later, he called and asked me out on a date. We went on many more dates after that and eventually got married. I joke that the thank-you note was the catalyst for our long-lasting love affair. Besides, I never imagined meeting the man of my dreams at the county dump!
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