Save Money on Taxes – Aero and Marine Tax Professionals

At Aero and Marine Tax Professionals our goal is to eliminate your sales or use tax bill with the State of California. Learn more about TAX at Surely there have been times when speaking with tax accountants or consultants and a disagreement or dispute came up. There are points made where there is little to no “reality” which causes a “break” in communication and understanding. Mr. Tom Alston, the CEO of Aero and Marine Tax Professionals shares how this happens in business and why and his technique for resolving it to be ultimate benefit of the client. Aero and Marine’s interest is saving the client a lot of money that they can potentially lose to the government. Listen in as Tom shares how they save money for their clients – every time. Of all the services that Aero and Marine provides, the most appreciated by clients, and those that refer them, is the fact that they insert themselves between the client (you) and the State of California staff. A client of Aero and Marine never has to talk to the government auditors. Once they get a letter of authorization, then the state must talk to them. When you understand how the word ‘tax audit’ affects the spine of most human beings, this helps a lot. The whole process culminates with receipt by the client, of a letter from the State of California stating that the exemption on the aircraft tax has been supported–something they obtain every time. Visit them online at: Call Tom at: (916) 691-9192 * Resources * Linkedin: Facebook: Twitter: #AircraftPurchase #PersonalJet #ExecutiveJet #LuxuryAircraft
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Star of Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” Grant Cardone owns and operates seven privately held companies and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets under management valued at over $4 billion. He is the Top Crowdfunder in the world, raising over $900 million in equity via social media. Known internationally as the leading expert on sales, marketing, and scaling businesses, Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including “The 10X Rule,” which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world. The online business and sales educational platform he created, Cardone University, serves over 411,000 individuals and Forbes 100 corporate clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 15 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underserved, at-risk adolescents in financial literacy, especially those without father figures.