Liz Nierzwicki- Mid-Day Stress Reliever Episode #7 – 5 Enemies of the Mind

BE THE LIGHT REMIND PEOPLE OF THEIR LIGHT CHOOSE LOVE “Spiritual Reset” w/ Liz Nierzwicki Join the worlds largest mid-day “stress relieving” movement hosted by Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Transformational Coach, Liz Nierzwicki. Set a reminder on your phone, and join Liz weekdays at 12:00 EASTERN to HIT PAUSE, stop the stress creeping into your mind and body, and RESET YOUR ENERGY. In sessions lasting aprox 15 minutes, you will align back to your natural state of INNER PEACE, feel more centered, focused, and ready to take in the rest of your day. This movement created by health and wellness expert Liz Nierzwicki is quickly taking our stressed out world by storm and giving people the guidance he need, tools to practice, and the permission to take a peaceful moment in their day to STOP DROP & MEDITATE with a yoga guru. For more about Liz Nierzwicki, head to and sign up for her #livealigned Newsletter that will drop soul soothing tips right into your inbox weekly.
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Star of Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” Grant Cardone owns and operates seven privately held companies and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets under management valued at over $4 billion. He is the Top Crowdfunder in the world, raising over $900 million in equity via social media. Known internationally as the leading expert on sales, marketing, and scaling businesses, Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including “The 10X Rule,” which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world. The online business and sales educational platform he created, Cardone University, serves over 411,000 individuals and Forbes 100 corporate clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 15 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underserved, at-risk adolescents in financial literacy, especially those without father figures.