This is the story behind one of the most iconic companies in the world. Here’s how Steve Jobs started Apple.

One of the greatest tech visionaries globally, Steve Jobs, is the mastermind behind Apple.

He was born in San Francisco on February 24, 1955, and was later adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. Growing up, he developed an interest in electronics and took a summer job at HP when he was just 12 years old. He attended Reed College for one semester before dropping out and eventually back at HP, working on circuit boards.

During his time working at HP, he befriended Steve Wozniak. They created and marketed the “blue box,” a device that enabled users to make free long-distance phone calls by manipulating telephone networks.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak started Apple in a garage

In 1976, he and Steve Wozniak started Apple in Jobs’ garage. They sold their first computer, the Apple I, for $666.66 (Wozniak liked repeating digits).

The success of the Apple I led to the development of the Apple II, one of the first commercially successful personal computers.

After that, the Apple II followed — and it made them millionaires.

Jobs later took Apple public in 1980 with one of the most successful IPOs ever. In the first year, sales topped $3 million, and sales increased to $200 million in just two years.

Jobs, along with co-founder Steve Wozniak, designed and built the machine themselves.

Jobs oversaw the launch of several successful products for Apple, including the Macintosh in 1984 and the iPod in 2001. He also played a crucial role in developing the iPhone and iPad.

In 2011, Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple due to health problems. The following year, he passed away.

Apple’s ongoing legacy

Tim Cook, who served as Apple’s Chief Operating Officer, took over as CEO after Jobs’ passing.

Under Cook’s leadership, Apple has continued to release groundbreaking products, such as the Apple Watch and AirPods.

Apple continues to be one of the most successful companies globally, and it all started with Steve Jobs.

Steve is an incredible example of a businessperson with a 10X mindset, an idea, and the ability to execute with massive action.

Featured image source: Matthew Yohe, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; image background extended by GCTV staff

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