You know, every successful CEO that I’ve met in my life has a set of habits that they abide by. That’s why I decided to share the 10 habits of a successful CEO that you should adopt.
1Be on Time
This may seem like a no-brainer in the business world, but you would be surprised how many people still don’t make this a priority–it’s mind-boggling.
If a leader is consistently late, it tells others that he or she is unreliable or has no respect for the time of the individuals he or she works with.
So be on time for every appointment, every day, without exception.
2Write Your Goals Down Every Day
Just take a piece of paper and write whatever goals come to your mind as fast as possible.
I do this every day when I wake up in the morning, before I go to bed at night, and also when I feel discouraged.
3Read More Often
How many books have you read so far this year? Maybe you’ve heard this statistic before: The average CEO reads sixty books per year.
So if you wanna be a successful CEO, read more often. And guess what… It don’t matter if you like to read or not. You just have to do it.
4Value Time Over Money
If you value money over time you’ll have very little of both. If you value time over money, you will have an abundance of both. Because you can always make more money, but you cannot make back any wasted time.
5Accept Invitations to as Many Meetings and Events as Possible
Because you never know who you will meet or the advice you’ll receive.
6Dress For Success
Put a jacket on, you don’t have to do everything in a t-shirt. Dress for your audience. And if you have any, ANY, consideration about what you’re wearing then you need to kick it up a notch. It will never hurt you to look like a professional.
7Don’t Waste Your Weekends
When I was 25 I quit doing weekends the way most people are doing them. It literally saved me millions of dollars.
8Focus on the “What” Not the “How To”
So many people settle for less and refuse to dream big ‘cause they don’t see how they could get there.
Well, what if I told you that I myself don’t know how to achieve most of my goals. But just because you don’t know how to achieve a goal doesn’t mean you’ll never figure out the “how to” in the future or that you should stop dreaming big.
9Listen To Feedback
All leaders generally have the final say, but great ones listen to feedback and consider it before taking action.
10Acknowledge Effort and Results
Recognition is a powerful tool: It sends the message that you see and appreciate the actions of your team.
Each one of your employees needs to be told exactly why they’re valuable.
So there you go… the 10 successful habits of a CEO. I hope you’ve enjoyed today’s article. I hope you’ve got lots from it. Please share this article with your friends and family. And if you’ve got another habit of a successful CEO. Please comment below and let me know.
Be Great,
Grant Cardone
H/T: Entrepreneur
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