Shortly after Elon Musk’s Twitter deal was confirmed, Donald Trump’s Truth Social free-speech social media network skyrocketed to the top of the App Store charts.

One day after the Musk-Twitter acquisition, Truth Social became the #1 most downloaded iPhone app.

It knocked Twitter to the number two spot in the App Store and pushed down TikTok to fifth place.

Prior to the deal confirmation, Trump’s app had ranked at #52, while Twitter at #39 on global app download charts.

How did Truth Social come to be?

After receiving a permanent ban from Twitter back in January 2021, Trump decided to create Truth Social.

According to the official website, the social media platform aims to:

“Encourage an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating against political ideology.”

Ever since its February 2022 launch, the app has accumulated about 1.4 million downloads. After a series of technical difficulties, the initial waitlists are now open as Rumble became the new cloud provider for Truth Social.

Trump & Twitter

Earlier in April, Trump announced that he would not return to Twitter, even though Elon Musk openly expressed his interest in purchasing the platform.

In an interview with Americano Media, he had said, “Twitter’s become very boring. They’ve gotten rid of many good voices on Twitter, a lot of their conservative voices.”

On Monday, the 45th President of the United States also reconfirmed this intention of staying off Twitter.

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