SEO Algorithm

Search engine optimization is the marketing buzzword of the hour. Small businesses to large corporations want to be the first in search results and customers’ minds. But regarding SEO, which is more important — quality content or appeasing the algorithm? 

Alphabet’s Biggest Riddle 

The logic behind search engine optimization is simple…

You create websites and content the Alphabet gods deem relevant…

Your business appears closer to the top of the search page…

Then, in turn, you get more customers and revenue. Easy right? 

There is just one little problem… 


 Therefore, companies pour millions of dollars into these strategies trying to unravel the mystery. Nonetheless, there are certain things we know for certain that anyone can understand and implement… 

What We DO KNOW About the SEO Algorithm

Whenever you look up something online, you type a question or brief description of what you’re looking for into the search bar. That grouping of words is called a keyword. 

The search engine then “ranks” pages with content containing the closest match to your keyphrase for results. 

The algorithm’s “bots” go over websites to detect that term. Because of this, you could stuff these keywords all over your page in the early days and get to the top… 


So, Google invested in changing its SEO algorithm to make it more nuanced… 

Good keyphrases are still important. But, the programming now picks up other details to determine relevance. 

The other things it takes into account are:

  • Site speed
  • Quality of information
  • Internal and external links (Sources within your site and outside sources respectively) 

Nevertheless, there are shrill ways to hack your way to the top. So, there is a debate on what will win at the end of the day… 

An undressed page of helpful information or a pretty site meant to please bots? 

Should an SEO Strategy Focus on Content or Appeasing the Algorithm?

Don’t get us wrong. You should use everything that is known about the algorithm to improve your SEO ranking. There are many effective tools and practices you can use to do this naturally. 

Also, there is a big danger of just appealing to an algorithm instead of an audience.  As we mentioned, no one outside of Google knows the ins and outs of its SEO programming…


So, what worked today might not work tomorrow. However, if that is not enough for you to prioritize quality over the bots, think about this… 

Put Yourself in Their Shoes 

Imagine that you are your audience for just a minute. More than likely, you are online because you want to get information or solve a problem…

 Once you get the results for your search, you click on the link closest to the top… 

The page is fast. The key phrase you typed in is all over the place, but it tells you a lot of nothing… 

How would you feel? It is doubtful you would feel good or likely to do business with whoever ran the page. 

Ultimately, there is a human on the other side of the screen. Use the SEO algorithm to get in front of them, but don’t lose sight of your message doing so. 

Be Great,

GCTV Staff

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