What is your money mantra?
What do you think about money?
How much is a lot of money to you?
How much is too much money?
How much is too little money?
What are your negative ideas about money?
Do you spend most of your time trying to save money?
How much time do you spend connecting with new money?
How do you act when you see the price of something in a store or at a restaurant?
Home Articles Money, Mindset & Motivation Overcome the misguided beliefs about money you inherited from your parents
Overcome the misguided beliefs about money you inherited from your parents
For most people money is a constant concern, whether they are discussing it or not.
Every time they go to the doctor, they fear the deductible. When they go to the grocery store, they have to make decisions about what they can and can’t buy. Every time they get a check they are reminded of the way they think about money.
But the lives of people who are barely making it financially cannot be fixed by just giving them more money. Most of us are brought up poor or middle class and then left to live the rest of our lives with the foundations and beliefs of the poor or the middle class. We emerge full of doubt and confused about our finances, because we grew up with overwhelmed parents, clueless teachers, and an irresponsible government. Still, even if we are dazed, confused, apathetic, and even resentful about money, each of us can work to overcome the money mentality we inherited.
Your job is to first get your own head right about money. Once you have that under control and you’re dominating your personal finances, you can work to remove all financial doubt from the heads of your family, friends, business partners, employees, and clients.
Answering these questions is an exercise that will reveal how money confident you are and whether you’re dominating your money: