Speed Kills: Every (milli)second counts [INFOGRAPHIC] By Kevin Goldberg
“I have been telling you for years time kills deals. Whether it is how many times your phone rings before it is answered or how long your sales process takes from gretting to close; time is a deal killer. Read this.” – GC
Application performance tends to be one of those things everyone knows is important, but it’s hard to put a specific number to just how important.
Earlier this year, Gartner published their findings (subscription required) from Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Microsoft, and many others that showed as performance, most notably speed, slows down, their revenue is negatively affected as well. Though not inherently surprising, what is surprising is by how much. These companies would lose millions of dollars in revenue for every fraction of a second their application slowed down. Running at anything but optimal speed was taking a chunk out of their bottom line.
We took some of these stats and created an infographic to paint the visual about how important every millisecond is in regards to your application performance, and bottom line.
Check out the infographic at: AppDynamics