Ever feel that the same type of person reappears over and over? How do you break that cycle to find the person who is best for you? In this episode of Women and Power Elena Cardone (@elenacardone) and Katrina Campins (@katrinacampins) offer tips to help women pick a great partner. Tips include:
1. Understand your values.
2. Communicate what you are looking for.
3. Break the toxic partner pattern
4. Don’t ignore the red flags
5. Don’t set out to change others.
The ladies also discuss the importance of paying attention to red flags, and understanding the true purpose for a relationship. Writer and lifestyle expert, Terri Trespicio @territ adds great insights as a guest of the show explaining that women should pay attention to how men respond to their success. Are they threatened or supportive? Tune in for the heated discussion and be sure to add your comments to in the space below.