Penny Illustration

Do you think Americans are financially illiterate? Or do you think we’ve been financially programmed? 

Me? I believe we’ve been programmed. 

Now, the good news.

If you’ve been programmed, all you have to do is to unlearn the wrong financial ideas and replace them with right ones. 


To fix this mental condition, you have to challenge what you think you already know about money. I’m talking about the things that you were taught by your teachers, bosses, moms, dads, uncles, and aunts.

Here’s an example…

“A penny saved as a penny earned.”

What’s a penny going to buy you? Or pay for?

Nothing. A big fat zero.

It takes a whole lot of dollars, not pennies, to move the financial needle.

Another example…

“Save for a rainy day.”

Well, I’m in Malibu. It almost never rains here. 

If you’re in Arizona, there’s a real good chance it’s only going to rain a few times a year. 

Many places in the country don’t have rain right now. 

“Save for a rainy day.” 

What if you live in Florida?

It rains there nearly every day. 

Does that mean you should spend your money every day?

Then how are you going to actually save anything? 

It doesn’t make any sense. 

But that’s the type of bad financial advice all of us have learned…

And need to UNLEARN in order to succeed.

Look, I spent five years getting an accounting degree. I know what all those spreadsheets and accounting charts mean. 

But I need less than 5 minutes to explain what you really need to know.

There’s income… there’s expenses… and then there’s profit. 

If you live on your own, you probably have one income.  If you’re married and both of you work, you have two incomes.

Maybe one of you has a little side hustle.

The point is, you only have a few sources of income.

If you write them down on a piece of paper, line by line… we’re talking a few lines at most.

Okay, what about your expenses?

Off the top of my head, there’s a bunch of them.

Things like gas, electricity, rent, mortgage payments, car payments, car insurance, health insurance, food, cellphones, clothes, kids, shoes, eating out, furniture. 

If you write them down line by line, it’s a long list of expenses.

So what’s my point? 

If you notice, there’s only a few lines of income.

But there’s dozens of expenses. Maybe thousands if you own a business. 

95% of your time should be focused on increasing your revenue and income. 

But where does most of America focus?

On lowering their expenses.

Which is wrong.

You’re always going to have expenses. There’s also only so much that you can cut. 

Look, it doesn’t matter if you make a dollar or a billion dollars a year…

You’re always going to have expenses.

But income?

That’s only limited by your knowledge and efforts.

Both of which you can increase.

And I’m going to share the best ways I know how to do that at my upcoming 10X Interactive Boot Camp. 

It’s 3 days of jam-packed training that I’m personally leading starting on November 4th. (Click here for more information)

And that’s not all…

I’m giving every 10X Interactive Boot Camp attendee a special bonus.

It’s advanced access to much of the world-class training inside Cardone University before the Interactive Boot Camp.  

That’s about 140 hours of pre-event training on demand.

So you can start learning the very best in marketing, sales, and financial training before the big event…

The fun starts November 4th. We have 3 content-packed days planned for you.  The event is 100% online so there’s no need for airfare or hotels.

Plus there’s…

Exclusive event breakout sessions

Each day, as part of the training, I will give you a training activity to do.  You’ll break out in a separate virtual room with 4-6 other attendees where you’ll work on the activity together.  

It’s a powerful way to quickly learn a new skill or lesson.  

And the cool part? You WILL make new business alliances and connections.


You can share it with your family

I’m committed to help you and your loved ones to UNLEARN the financial bad stuff you already know.

So you can use the 10X Interactive Boot Camp to get your spouse and kids more engaged in increasing their business and financial literacy.  

It’s easy to do because – as I said –  the event is 100% online.

You can even take credit for the idea and look like a hero to them.

PLUS if you’re one of those who grabs a spot at the upcoming 10X Interactive Boot Camp, I’ll also include a special swag box that we’ll ship to your home or office.  

But we have a limited number of these boxes.  So if you snooze, you’re going to lose your shot at one of these exclusive swag boxes!

Look, what you don’t know CAN hurt you.

So it’s time to stop that.

If you’re ready to gain what you need to 10X your finances — not just “save a penny” — you owe it to yourself to be part of the 10X Boot Camp Interactive.

10X Every Day,


Disclosure: This content is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. Individual results may vary. You should perform your own due diligence and seek the advice from a professional to verify any information on our website or materials that you are relying upon if you choose to make an investment or business decision. Investment, real estate, and business involve great risk and there is no guarantee of performance or results.

We are not attorneys, investment advisers, accountants, tax professionals or financial advisers and any of the content presented should not be taken as professional advice. We recommend seeking the advice of financial professional before you invest, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur.

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Star of Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” Grant Cardone owns and operates seven privately held companies and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets under management valued at over $4 billion. He is the Top Crowdfunder in the world, raising over $900 million in equity via social media. Known internationally as the leading expert on sales, marketing, and scaling businesses, Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including “The 10X Rule,” which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world. The online business and sales educational platform he created, Cardone University, serves over 411,000 individuals and Forbes 100 corporate clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 15 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underserved, at-risk adolescents in financial literacy, especially those without father figures.