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On today's episode Elena rolls solo as Grant is away presenting at a business seminar and discusses a popular subject, the importance of date night and making time for your spouse. Elena encourages couples to schedule time for uninterrupted activities that don't include the children or anyone else with...
According to Chris Christopher, director of consumer economics for IHS Global Insight Inc. in Lexington, Massachusetts, quoted in Bloomberg Businessweek "the decline in mobility among young adults "is economically significant...it is a lot more expensive to get started, to move, to find a job. In terms of social mobility,...
Social researcher ShauntiFeldhahn is on a mission to debunk some of the rampant myths she says cloud perceptions about marriage and divorce. In her new book, "The Good News About Marriage," the author tackles a number of misconceptions that she believes are damaging to the institution of marriage: that half...
In today's episode Grant and Jarrod discuss the important of follow up in business, why its effective and how to do it.
Welcome Back Grant and Elena! The G&E show returns with a discussion on why the show went away. Grant and Elena talk about the importance of commitment to family goals and how couples must motivate one another to remember their purpose.
I wanted to be Millionaire when I was 10 years old. That desire to have money has never not been there since I was introduced to a quarter...and what I could do with it... Start with 1000- earn 8% per year 30 years - 1707 20 years -1678 15 years -- 2861 10 years...
Grant Cardone discusses mistake people and companies make with social media - Facebook, twitter and Youtube are discussed on Young Hustlers where Jarrod Glandt and Grant Cardone take callers and discuss the dumbest things people do on social.
Are Millennials Different? Lazy, Entitled, Cant communicate, Job hoppers, Not Loyal, Poor work ethic. But Are they actually any different Different Than Other Generations? Derek Irvine writes in Millennials aren't Entitled They're Just Misunderstood. Tired of hearing the myths about Millennials in the workplace (entitled, need constant praise and reassurance,...
The new Pew survey of millennials presents a portrait of young people that is both depressing and optimistic. Millennials, young adults between 18 and 33, are low on social trust: Just 19 percent believe that "most people can be trusted," compared to 40 percent of Baby Boomers and 31...
What Millennials Can Teach Boomers About Financial Planning . Northwestern Mutual Contributor, Northwestern Mutual . Auto leasing just hit all time HIGH! By Sonya Stinson At first glance, it's hard to see what Generation Y—a.k.a. the Millennials—can teach Baby Boomers about financial planning? Many of the youngest Millennials are buried in...