“Excellent article! When blogging always think about a call to action. Great tips to help you get your message out and money in.” – GC
The Big Mistake Most Bloggers Make and 5 Tips on How to Fix It by Payman Taei
There are two key aspects when it comes to online marketing: First, your marketing should drive traffic to your blog or website and second, it should convert that traffic into customers.
Almost 95% of business sites fail to achieve traffic conversion. That is the big mistake most bloggers make.
As a business owner and blogger, you want to make sure the money spent in creating your website is worth it. After all, what’s the point of driving thousands of unique visitors to your blog but not convert one?
The problem may not be your service/product but the “call-to-action” or CTA you’re using (you are using CTAs, aren’t you?)
A CTA is a hyperlinked image or text that urges the visitor to do something. Common examples of CTA are “Click here”, “Download now” and “Subscribe” buttons.
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Jeff Bullas