I’m in a hurry to help people. I want to help people that want to be helped—that can be helped. I want to help people that are hungry. How does the average worker ever make more than $55,000? How does the teacher, the fireman, the bartender go from middle class to wealth? If you demand more, if you are not satisfied, you are in the right place.
Do you want to become wealthy?
Before I tell you how to do something, I need to tell you why to do it. The first thing to understand is that you have to make more money—you must. You can’t keep making that 28K, that 36K, or that 52K. If you want freedom, nobody is going to do it for you. If you want to make $500,000 you need to bring a $1-million dollar game. Nobody is going to give you $500K for $500K of value. If you want bigger money, you have to bring an even bigger game. Are you ready to start adding value to your brand?
If you want to get wealthy, you have to first realize that a lot of rich people are not greedy. If you envy rich people, you will never be rich. Anything you detest you won’t have. If you want the best-looking man or woman in the room, you have to go and confront them at some point. If you want money, you have to confront it. Putting your head in the sand is not going to get you anywhere.
Don’t hate the wealthy, understand them.
A few years ago, professional golfer Phil Mickelson made an innocent comment, saying “My tax rate is 62, 63 percent, so I’ve got to make some decisions on what I’m going to do.” The media quickly rallied and wrote articles filled with people’s outrage. Many were saying he should be “grateful” for all he had and he was shamed into apologizing a few days later.
Phil Mickelson, nor any other person who has done well financially, should be sorry for publicly airing tax issues. I left the state of California because of extremely high taxes—legal theft. You too need to leave your state if your state doesn’t let you improve your financial situation.
Understand the real tax situation. What is the state income tax where you live? Do you even know? People who were saying Phil Mickelson doesn’t pay 62% tax have actually never done the math and probably don’t even know what they pay themselves. Here’s the reality of the situation of what you’ve got to pay:
Federal taxes
State taxes
Sales tax
Booboo care
Social Security
Property Taxes
This all adds up and takes a significant chunk of your finances. With April 15th coming up around the corner, I know many of you may be looking for a “refund”, but believe me, you don’t want that. If you are getting a refund from the IRS, you are not wealthy.
Do you want to be stressed out because you don’t have enough dough or do you want to be laughing because you’ve got more than enough?
Those who will be getting refunds from the IRS will also be getting handouts from the government when they are retired. That money won’t be much, so you won’t be taking trips or buying your grandkids anything because you will be surviving on basic necessities. Don’t depend on the government for anything financially. Make them suspicious of you because you’re so successful, just stay ethical.
Don’t war against the wealthy, complaining about how they should be “grateful” and become outraged when they complain about taxes. Understand the wealthy and become one of them.
Be great,
P.S. I just put tickets on sale with early bird pricing for 10X GrowthCon 2018. You can get 3 days with me down in Miami for just $299. Use code: 2018 at checkout!