Thank you for your support this year. I’m sure you sometimes get tired of all the posting I do on social media, my promotions, streams, photos, quotes, pictures of my socks and announcements. When the haters have shown up so many of you have encouraged me to push harder, do more – your support of me has been amazing. I am humbled every time I see you take the time to share my information with your friends, family, and employees—I see what you think of me and what I put out. I am forever grateful to YOU.
Some of you have been following my career since the late 1990’s when I released my “Selling in the 21st Century” to the automobile industry. Some of you may have run into one of my books, Sell or Be Sold, Closers Survival Guide, If You’re Not First You’re Last or The 10X Rule. Some of you have not read anything I have written but discovered me through an article on LinkedIn or or maybe on a Meerkat, Periscope or a Facebook stream. Regardless I am grateful for you and appreciate you.
With your help this year we reached almost 200 million people through social media, posts, tweets, videos, live streams, speaking engagements, and my involvement with so many great companies and connections. To say it was a stellar year is an understatement.
How you helped me in 2015:
• My Facebook page reached over 130,000,000 people in 2015
• My almost 20,000 tweets reached over 73,200,000 people
• 49 million minutes of my material was watched on my YouTube channel
• 365,000 hours of hundreds of episodes were viewed on
• Over 17 million education video segments viewed and tested on
• Sell or Be Sold Awarded Best Sales Book
• The 10X Rule made top 10 Inspirational Books of ALL time
• Became the top streamer in the world on Meerkat surpassing U2 and Madonna
• Spoke at the Pentagon to help US Military troops in transition
• Delivered Keynote speeches at over thirty conventions
• Cardone University awarded the #1 Sales Training University in the world
All because of you.
My life mission is to help as many people as possible in life and career transitions, money challenges, or simply to rediscover their purpose in life. I hope I can continue to help you accomplish the life you want.
Thanks again for making 2015 so successful and let’s do even bigger things in 2016.
Your friend in sales and business,
Grant Cardone