How to Stay on the Same Page – The G&E Show
If you didn’t know the G & E Show is in the top 15th on Itunes! How do you get on the same page and how do you stay on the same page as your partner? It’s a continual process—you have to write your goals down.Most people would agree that they should exercise and write their goals down but they don’t do it. If you really understood the importance of doing it, you would.
What do you think marriage is? Is it having a lot of sex? Monogamy? You might think you can be better by yourself. Two people in a marriage can actually lift each other up—expand to greater heights. When you have your 100% and someone adds their 100%—you increase your magnitude.
Most people don’t know what they want. They think they need to get on the same page with their partner but they aren’t even on their own PAGE! Get on your PAGE first. You can’t keep a marriage and not expect to do anything to keep it. By the way, your page changes over time….so keep reevaluating what your page is:
● Today
● Tomorrow
● Every day