About Us

Grant Cardone TV is for entrepreneurs, business owners, go-getters, startups, sales organizations, and success-minded people that want to control where they get their news and their solutions.

This channel is for those that refuse to be spectators and demand to be in control of the content they receive, understanding that the outcomes of life are literally the thoughts that you consume. I conceived this network because so many people tell me they are sick of watching television delivering bad news, the next crisis, or threats that are driven by political agendas. These stations are forced to propagate lies on one side and please advertisers on the other. For six minutes you hear about the travesties of the world, then for three minutes during the break, Big Pharma convinces you that depression is a disease and if you aren’t depressed something else is sure to be wrong with you.

Consider the last time you watched a ball game at home, tweeted about it with me @grantcardone from your phone while receiving an instant message from your spouse for the grocery list. Multi-tasking exploded with the advent of technology, wireless internet, and cloud-based storage. Eight-hundred television channels make up cable and satellite with major networks—all trying to survive with ad dollars—that are now forced to get eyeballs in order to maintain ad revenue. But those 800 channels are delivering their agendas on their schedules, so you can understand why Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, YouTube, and similar platforms are taking market share from these traditional mediums.
Today’s consumer wants to consume what they want when they want it.

Just as importantly, there exists a growing number of people realizing that in order to succeed they must be in control of what they take into their mind. The late Maya Angelou said, “You are the sum total of everything you have ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot—it’s all there.” Gandhi said, “A man is the product of these thoughts, what he thinks he becomes.”

Where do the people of the world get their information from today? And what kind of information is it?

I created Grant Cardone TV to have an alternative place for people to get their ideas, news, strategies, and information. I want to provide people with the content they want when they want it and provide them with solutions—not just problems.

Grant Cardone TV is for those that want the truth.

A place where simple answers are given to the challenges we all face in the world of business, finance, career, and success.

Be great, nothing else pays!
Grant Cardone


Grant Cardone owns and operates over seven privately held companies, and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets worth over $4.7 Billion. He is one of the Top Crowdfunders in the world, raising over $1.4 Billion in equity via social media.

He is featured on Season 2 of Discovery Channel’s Undercover Billionaire, where he takes on the challenge of building a million dollar business in 90 days. Grant is also a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including The 10X Rule, which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world.

The online business and sales educational platforms he created serve over 650,000 individuals and Forbes 100 clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 16 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underprivileged and troubled youth in financial literacy.

Forbes calls Grant Cardone one of the top business influencers in the world.

Cardone has raised $787 million using social media, ranking him one of the most successful crowdfunding efforts in the world.

Check out investment options at CardoneCapital.com, open to Accredited and Non-Accredited Investors.

Go to GrantCardone.com for information on how to increase business revenue.

Visit CardoneU.com to learn more about the number one online entrepreneur platform in the world.

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