Cross Promotion

No matter what business you’re in, the goal is more customers and more sales. The shortcut to both is cross-promotion. Let’s walk through the dos and don’ts of this powerful marketing strategy — and start multiplying your market share… 

First of all, what is cross-promotion

Cross promotion is a marketing practice where your company partners with another to promote each other. Don’t confuse it with influencer marketing or sponsorship

Generally, sponsorships have one party profit from the resources of the other. On the other hand, there are mutual benefits to cross-promotion. 

When done effectively, both companies can expect: 

  • Expanded audience awareness
  • Validated social proof
  • Additional assets

And, all of those advantages are needed for any business to expand… 

But, how do you make sure your cross-promotion is successful

In short, both partners have to use their strengths to give buyers something unique… 

Creative Tips for Cross Promotion   

Consumers are flooded with advertisements and offers 24 hours a day, seven days a week… 

After a while, people start tuning it all out. For that reason, your cross-promotion needs to be interesting and disruptive to grab their attention. 

Next, I’ll illustrate some approaches you can use and why they work. That being said, your creativity will be critical to adapting them to work for your business… 

Put Your Product in THEIR Store

One of the easiest ways to cross-promote is to offer your product in another physical location — or vice versa. 

The first reason this works is that immediately more eyes are on your product. Second, it means convenience for the consumer. 

A prime example of this is large grocery stores carrying locally made foods. 

The smaller business gets more exposure; and then, the big chain features a special item no one else carries. Also, shoppers get access to the item where they buy the rest of their groceries. 


And when everyone feels like they’ve won, THAT is the indication of great cross promotion — which brings us to the next strategy… 

Help Each Other’s Customers Out

In the same way that the previous concept is about buyer convenience, this one is about providing excellent customer service

The goal here is to improve the customer experience — at your partner’s business. 

Recently, Uber and Spotify employed this strategy perfectly. 

Through the collaboration, Spotify and Uber invited riders to create custom playlists. Then, customers could listen to their favorite music while using the ridesharing service. 

As a result, riding with Uber was more comfortable and Spotify has more users. 


Cross-promotion is just a way to facilitate that. 

Still, I have one more tip for you to get you thinking…  

Make an Event of It

Last, linking your brand to events is an excellent way to cross-promote. Consider festivals, sports events, holidays, etc. 

It encourages people to engage with your brand, which promotes goodwill for all the companies participating. 


We buy from people we know and like, so you need to get your name out there. And, it is even better to do so while associating yourself with good times. 

That means your partners and you will have to stay current and get involved — which you should be doing anyway. 

But before you take any of these steps, I want to warn you of the mistakes most people make with cross promotion… 

Common Cross Promotion Mistakes 

It is always exciting when you are presented with the opportunity to cross-promote. However, you can’t just jump into anything because it could majorly backfire. 

Be sure to take the following precautions to protect your company and reputation… 

  1. Cross Promote with Parallel Businesses ONLY! 

I know it’s tempting to work with a huge corporation and have access to its massive audience. But does it make sense

Think about if you saw Coca-Cola try and cross-promote with Honda. Selling cars and soda are two different things, so the effort feels forced

Customers will pick up on that, and the cross-promotion ends up being a waste of time. Simply put, it’s confusing.  

In contrast, Coca-Cola has had a profitable partnership with McDonald’s for years because they are in the same industry. 

Keep your long-term goals in mind when choosing partners. That applies to my next piece of advice as well… 

  1. KNOW Who Your Associates Are

There is nothing worse than being guilty by association. 

For that reason, do your homework on the people and companies that you are considering doing any work with. 


Not only can it give you a bad rap with the general public, but iffy colleagues will be the first to throw you under the bus. 

Trust me, there is no such thing as too much due diligence. 

  1. Make Decisions Based on Stats

Yes, the main aim of cross-promotion is to increase your brand awareness. Despite that, you must measure the success of your efforts. 


I suggest getting numbers on anything you can — even if you don’t know how it applies it at first. Eventually, all these little pieces of information will paint a big picture of what is going on. 

From there, you can fine-tune your cross-promotion into incredible returns


At the end of the day, cross-promotion is the master key to dominating your market. It figuratively allows you to walk into other companies’ audiences and introduce yourself. 

Use this valuable tool and avoid common mistakes, and the market is your oyster. 

Be Great,

Grant Cardone  

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Star of Discovery Channel’s “Undercover Billionaire,” Grant Cardone owns and operates seven privately held companies and a private equity real estate firm, Cardone Capital, with a multifamily portfolio of assets under management valued at over $4 billion. He is the Top Crowdfunder in the world, raising over $900 million in equity via social media. Known internationally as the leading expert on sales, marketing, and scaling businesses, Cardone is a New York Times bestselling author of 11 business books, including “The 10X Rule,” which led to Cardone establishing the 10X Global Movement and the 10X Growth Conference, now the largest business and entrepreneur conference in the world. The online business and sales educational platform he created, Cardone University, serves over 411,000 individuals and Forbes 100 corporate clients throughout the world. Voted the top Marketing Influencer to watch by Forbes, Cardone uses his massive 15 million plus following to give back via his Grant Cardone Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to mentoring underserved, at-risk adolescents in financial literacy, especially those without father figures.