2015 Goals – Young Hustlers
You come here to get your business tips and get your game on! The Young Hustlers Grant Cardone and Jarrod Glandt target the under 35 crowd with the tips and insights they need to succeed in any economic climate. Jarrod and Grant thank all of the callers who helped make the show great through 2014!
Follow Grant Cardone – https://twitter.com/grantcardone
Follow Jarrod Glandt – https://twitter.com/jarrodglandt
Grant launched his own network, Whatever It Takes Network in 2014!
Watch Young Hustlers on Whatever It Takes Network! https://grantcardonetv.com/younghustlers/
What are you going to do to hit your goals in 2015 and make it better than last year?
Normal Resolutions:
• Lose weight
• Make more money
• Love my family more
You need to have clarity with goals. You need to focus on your purpose and use it to ground you daily.
• Don’t think, “How do I out-do last year?”
• Think, “How do I 10X my last year?”
Focus on maximizing on the things that worked from last year, instead of just repeating or replacing the previous year. It’s not a to-do list. Make goals big that are out of reach! If you can obtain it today, it’s not big enough.
Pick 5 people for your ‘tribe’, on your board. Those are the people you are getting your information from. Not talking about your family, your friends. Who influences your thoughts? You can have a different board for finances than for your board for spirituality.
Watch Young Hustlers on Whatever It Takes Network! https://grantcardonetv.com/younghustlers/