12 Reasons You Should Be an Entrepreneur
Look, there are roughly 36 million articles on the Internet today that suggest entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone. These same articles list common traits many successful people possess, such as persistence, persuasiveness, discipline and a strong work ethic. For over 25 years I have studied successful entrepreneurs and found that what contributed to their massive success was not what society typically considered valuable traits.
People like Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, and John D. Rockefeller didn’t achieve greatness by following the narrow path recommended by management gurus and treating these traits as setbacks.
Here are 12 things society may consider a liability, but which can actually be indications that you are meant to be an entrepreneur.
1. Easily bored.
If you find yourself easily bored you know how others start to view you as a problem. Nothing is wrong with you except that you are bored with activities that aren’t up to your potential and aren’t challenging you. This lack of challenge is why you hated most of the classes you ever took. Look at Bill Gates who dropped out of college to become one of the richest men in the world.
2. Labeled a rebel.
Greatness lies outside of the lines and boundaries of authority and you don’t think laws, policies and regulations apply to you. You have been labeled a rebel, a rule breaker and would defy gravity if you could.
3. Hate the status quo.
Doing something the “time-honored” way doesn’t make sense to you when there is no explanation why. You don’t like to sit idly by, you refuse to just go through the motions and you won’t follow the pack.
Do you know why 50% of all small businesses fail in the first 5 years? We’ll be discussing why and how to not become another statistic on October 21st.
Find out more here.
4. Bullied as a kid.
You may have been heavily picked on, criticized and even bullied as a child or teen. This has given you a drive to excel to prove to the world that you are indeed a force to be reckoned with.
5. Resisting authority.
Whether it was your parents, teachers, bosses or anyone else in a position of authority you have a lifelong record of resisting them. You don’t go along with the agreed upon norms of the group or community you work and live in.
6. Fired from jobs.
When it comes to working with others you’re too creative for your own good. You may have some history, as I do, of losing jobs. Being a cog in the wheel is very difficult for you because you want to create something others can be inspired by and be a part of with their own contributions.
Starting your own business? Check this out.
7. Obsessed.
You may have been labeled obsessive because when you get started on something you have a difficult time letting go of it. Don’t let anyone convince you that this is a disease or deficiency. All great entrepreneurs become completely immersed in their vision — obsessed. Howard Schultz stuck with Starbucks, even when his family tried to persuade him to let go of his ‘little’ coffee shop. Steve Jobs was told the iPhone was a bad idea and to abandon the project by colleagues.
8. Unable to unwind.
Sleeping is not an option because you can’t turn your thoughts off. Your ideas may even manifest themselves in your sleep — your mind is never turned off or on vacation. The next morning you’re still consumed with the idea, distracting you from the job you’re supposed to be doing.
9. Not fitting into the norm.
You have always been a little uncomfortable in your own skin–until you get used to the idea you’re in fact different from most people. It could prove to be a problem or exactly the motivation you need to acknowledge the entrepreneur screaming to get out.
10. Bad at small talk.
You aren’t any good at making the kind of small talk so many people get comfort from. The social pattern of relationships and rapport building seem like a waste of time to you and makes you uncomfortable.
11. Scared to go solo.
Your inner entrepreneur is scared of going out on your own, but you’re also terrified of not doing so. This fear is very common in our society because we’ve been conditioned to think being an entrepreneur is riskier than getting a “day job.” The reality is there is instability in both.
12. Ready to improve everything.
You always see how you could do things better. You are likely opinionated and freely give your two-cents about your better way of doing things — even if you’re not asked.
If these apply to you, and you have a small business or want to start one, check out my upcoming webinar with Hall of Fame Quarterback Fran Tarkenton on October 21st. Sign up here.
Don’t believe how others label you or what they say about you. What others say are your liabilities may turn out to really be your assets for success. What have people labeled you as from this list? Have you turned around into success? Let me know in the comments below.