Coach Michael Burt taught me to “lead with what I believe”
People do business with those who believe the same things as them.
We believe that all software should get smarter the more that it is used.
We believe that websites and mobile apps should self-adapt to meet the needs and interests of each individual visitor.
We believe that the best software is built on the insight of subject matter experts, and then further trained by it’s most effective users.
Because of these beliefs, I founded Nikos to focus on building AI software solutions that are a perfect fit for my clients’ businesses.
I do this by applying the traditional principles of engineering to the modern world of technology.
We model our artificial intelligence after top-performing human intelligence, creating a partnership between AI and Employees.
Because of the efficiency that this creates for our clients, it is not uncommon for these businesses to free up 2 out of every 10 job positions in their company.
I have worked with companies across all industries, including Cardone Enterprises, LightspeedVT, Coach Michael Burt, Wealth DynamX, and many others just like yours.
If I could do all of this for you and your business, what would keep us from doing business together?
Do you believe these same things?