Webinars & New Online Technology to Double Your Biz
Rogerio Amado grew his client list from ZERO to OVER 5,000 clients in 5 years, primarily using webinars. This episode is the 2nd edition of WEALTH WITH WEBINARS… And if you don’t think webinars (or google hangouts, periscope, meerkat, blab, Skype, etc…) is right for your business – think again. Rogerio has done over 200 live webcasts in the last 18 months, and knows how to maximize the power of this tremendously UNDER-utilized tool for business owners.
*Stay till the end – to get Rogerio’s AMAZING “Tips” about how to get started (fast and easy) with online webinars, webcasting, live casting, anything!
Rogerio’s specialty is to simplify the use of technology to help you transform your business. His is an early adopter of new and proven technology that he helps people integrate into their businesses to transform them.
Webinars can help you STOP chasing people, and transition your business to STOP selling 1 to 1, and start selling 1 to many. Mastering this skill is the key to help you make you a lot more money in significantly less time.
For a limited time, and for Greatness Quest viewers ONLY, Rogerio is giving his Video Course on How to to MASTER Google Hangouts – for FREE: http://greatnessquest.com/hangout