You want to man up, find your energy, then get yourself a good juicing machine. The reason people stop juicing is because they got a lot going on—work, kids, the gym. Everyone knows it’s good but many people don’t make a commitment to juicing. Juice calms me and gives me energy.
There are more people drinking a 32 oz. sugary Big Gulp today than drinking 32 oz. of vegetable and fruits. You need to be one of the few that takes control of your body. If you don’t you will never have control over your day, your clients, or your money.
The way to start juicing is to simply start. Start looking at it as a way to activate your body into action and fuel your creativity. A quick glass of freshly made juice each day will make you a better salesperson, a better manager, a better leader, more clearheaded, a better entrepreneur, a better parent, a better spouse, and make you an overall better citizen of the world.
Juicing daily is an investment in your greatest asset—you. Understand that I am focused on me and getting control of my vehicle. Go wash your car and tell me you don’t feel better about yourself and that car. It’s your body—control it, work it, and give it a little attention each day so it serves you well. You wake up with it, sleep with it, you have to bring it to work and take it back home each day and feed it. Invest in you by fueling the tank correctly.
Motivation is a big problem for most people. What motivates you? How do you stay motivated? How do you stay energized and creative? This is a challenge for everyone, even the motivational speakers. Having energy, being happy, being motivated to meet new people and expand your network takes energy. You need to avoid foods with sugars. You know what I’m talking about and you know your body doesn’t like it.