Home Articles Money, Mindset & Motivation The TPP and Skeletons in the Duggar’s Closet Sneak Preview
The TPP and Skeletons in the Duggar’s Closet Sneak Preview
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) lately – the latest international free trade agreement between the United States and several nations in the Asia Pacific region. Critics of the trade agreement, such as Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, say that “the TPP was negotiated largely in secret, could roll back important financial regulations and would likely give foreign companies ammunition to combat U.S. regulatory policies.” In this episode, Coco discusses the history behind global trade and tariffs in the United States, as well as some of the reasons why she is opposed to this deal.
Then, stick around for Coco’s interview with Terri Trespicio, host of Solopreneur on the Whatever It Takes Network, where they discuss branding, the controversy surrounding the recent revelations of molestation and incest in the Duggar family (former stars on TLC’s 19 Kids and Counting) and how the Duggars have betrayed their brand and could have avoided brand destruction long ago.