Talk Business Illustration

Recently, a question came to me about how often Grant and I talk about business.  The question was…

“My wife and I are in business together.  We talk a lot about business at home.  Could this hurt our relationship?   

When you’re at home, do you and Grant have rules on when you do and do not talk about business?” 

When all is said and done, I think this is a personal choice…

But there’s one simple rule Grant and I follow when it comes to work conversations at home. 

Before I share our rule…

You must know that Grant and I are obsessed with achieving our mission.

Every day, we wake up excited about our businesses.

So we enjoy talking about marketing, sales, and scaling.  We never get tired of business conversations.   

It means Grant and I likely talk about business more than most couples.  

So I encourage you to consider our approach through the lens of your relationship. 

Take the elements you like… and discard those that don’t make sense for you and your partner. 

With that said, here’s the one simple rule Grant and I follow when it comes to talking about business:

We can talk about business at any time of day.

Morning, noon, and night – no business conversations are off limits. 

There’s just one exception…

We do not discuss challenging or upsetting situations right before bed. 

Let’s say Grant discovers that a member of our inner circle has been briefing the media against us…

Or that a potential real estate deal is going downhill.

We do not talk about these situations before we go to sleep.  Why?

Because these situations could keep us up at night.  If there’s one thing Grant and I know, it’s that good sleep keeps you sharp.

And you must always have your wits about you when you’re building an empire. 

So, prioritize sleep over airing your problems.

Truth is…

It isn’t always easy to keep difficult situations to yourself.

But sometimes you must keep your mouth shut for the good of your empire.  

Oftentimes, you won’t wait long before you can bring up your tricky situation.  

When appropriate, you might talk through your problems the next day… over coffee and a breakfast muffin.

Other times, you might wait until you’re in the office. 

Or you might choose not to burden your partner with your situation at all.  

I always say you should only discuss problems with 3 people: yourself, your partner, or a trusted expert.

See, in certain situations, your partner is not your best advisor.  For example…

You might be worried about what’s going on in the economy right now.

Your partner might be fearful too. 

Like most people… your instinct, as a couple, might be to contract.

You might agree that shrinking your goals, cutting your marketing, and slashing your sales forecasts is your best course of action. 

This reminds me of the saying, “You can’t read the label from inside the jar.”

And by that I mean…

If you and your partner are hustling in the trenches together – day in and day out…

And if you’re marketing, selling, building, and pushing together non-stop…

It’s hard to see, objectively, which levers you must pull to shield your wealth and expand your business.

At this point, it will pay enormous dividends if you seek outside counsel from proven experts. 

This is a mistake Grant and I made when we first started out.  We tried to figure out all our problems alone.     

Eventually, we realized…

You can’t grow an empire alone.  And that’s why I’m coming to you today with an amazing FREE opportunity.

It’s an opportunity for you to see exactly how Grant, our team, and I navigate tough times… and thrive in any economy.

It’s called the Unbreakable Challenge – and it’s happening from January 24-28.

During this challenge, Grant and I will show you how we exploded our wealth during past financial crises…

And how you can potentially do the same in 2023.

You can join us here for FREE…

Or you can navigate the new world economy the hard way.  

I think you know the right option to choose. 

Build an empire, 

Elena Cardone

Disclaimer: This content is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. Individual results may vary. You should perform your own due diligence and seek the advice from a professional to verify any information on our website or materials that you are relying upon if you choose to make an investment or business decision. Investment, real estate, and business involve great risk and there is no guarantee of performance or results.

We are not attorneys, investment advisers, accountants, tax professionals or financial advisers and any of the content presented should not be taken as professional advice. We recommend seeking the advice of a financial professional before you invest, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur.