Oftentimes, I’ll look at a business, and right away, I can see that their culture is stagnant, or sometimes toxic. The thing is, most businesses we work with don’t even realize that they have a culture that actually resists change. They resist doing things differently, they resist challenging a broken perspective, belief, or thought. You need to be the one (as a leader) to stop resisting change in your business. 

The Character of the LEADER Encourages the Culture

When it comes to the culture of your business, you, as the leader, are 100% responsible for the culture that’s created. 

If you don’t encourage change, people will start to feel vulnerable. They feel afraid to expose that. They feel they have to be able to show that they’ve “got it together” and they understand and don’t need anything else… And that’s because the culture they are in doesn’t have the trust required for people to say, “Hey, I believe and I wanna do bigger and better. I wanna excel more. I wanna accomplish more. I wanna have a greater magnitude of impact”… that’s what a culture with trust as their foundation says. 

The difference between bad culture and GREAT culture

When you have a great, inspiring, and engaging culture, it’s because the leader is promoting that. The leader (you) lives by it and allows others in that environment to do the same. 

A GREAT culture allows people to lead others, challenge and push themselves, and it teaches others to engage each other in your environment, in your culture, differently—in a positive way!

Allowing the culture to breathe and attract new people with a higher level of expectancy, adding more value to the business, is the defining characteristic between bad and GREAT culture. 

Why this is important for business leaders

So many business owners are sadly stuck in WHAT they do, that they don’t enter their environment with the necessary high level of belief that’s required to inspire their team. They don’t come with the accountability that is needed for operational effectiveness and discipline.

What’s really important, as a business leader, is understanding this… you need to move your people if you want to move your business. 

If you’re ready to create a legacy as a business leader that drives results, schedule a meeting with my team at Cardone Ventures.