Get in contact with David C. Karli through his website, LinkedIn, and learn more about Greyledge Technologies here:
I started like everyone else, using tabletop devices that were very simple and would process a sample. And I didn’t know what was in it, and I just didn’t feel comfortable with that. We had to be able to do better. We had to be able to do it better.
We started digging and looking as to how could I at least know what’s in it? Before thoughts of a company or before thoughts of field, before thoughts of anything, and I had this little tool that seemed cool and it seemed to make a lot of sense, and we were seeing some improvement in patients. I just wanted to know what’s in it. How do we do anything with it if we don’t know what’s in it? It started as that.
We looked at technology to measure what was in it, there was no guidance. We had to just try different things. We started out in the early days looking through a microscope, counting with a manual counter, which at the end of the day, you can imagine the headache that you had.
We started with that, and it just evolved, and evolved. We’re several generations into technology now to analyze what’s in there, and we can do it in 30 seconds, and get an incredibly sophisticated analysis of every cell, every cell population, the number of cells, the concentrations; an incredible breakdown.
The first step was let’s just know what’s in it, if for no other reason, then to make sure our patient was safe.
What Karli and his team are fascinated to find out in the future about is if the concept of off-the-shelf stem cell product will turn into a reality and if it will be any better than what they can do today. He is sure that with his extremely capable team on the clinical and research end this dream can become a reality.