M.C. Laubscher – Is It Too Late To Invest In Crypto?
Is it too late to get into crypto? Whether you decide to invest in real estate, in businesses, in paper assets, or in commodities like gold, silver, oil, etc. it doesn’t matter in what part of the market cycle you are in. Why? Because markets do three things. markets go up, down, and sideways.
M.C. Laubscher is the President and Chief Wealth Strategist of Valhalla Wealth Financial and host of the popular business, investing and financial podcast, the Cashflow Ninja podcast.
Podcast: http://cashflowninja.com/
Webinar: https://www.yourownbankingsystem.com/home
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrJ7K59ywdCFLzmeMJbXx9w
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