How to End the Pollution of Negativity
The top 10 most polluted cities was recently released* and a handful of cities in California including Bakersfield, Fresno, LA, San Francisco, and Modesto officially have the worst air quality in the country. Polluted air cities outside of California includes Reno and Salt Lake City. When it comes to air quality, you think about smog, and we know that living in a smoggy environment isn’t good for your health. Today I want to tell you that there is a different kind of smog that can hang over your life that you need to watch out for.
The smog of negativity will pollute your world even if you live in the cleanest city on planet earth. Negativity poisons your air and will hang over you at work, at home, and everywhere you go. The world today is so full of negative news I sometimes wonder if it’s an organized effort to disseminate bad news with the goal of driving individuals, businesses, and even entire population into a state of apathy and hopelessness!
You are pounded relentlessly with bad news. Then, those in your environment (friends, family, associates and fellow workers) freely pass on the bad news and then give even worse advice. By the way, a lot of the bad news that is perpetuated onto you is not even true, filled with incorrect facts, and missing data. Bad news is passed on without filters.
You will go to great lengths to protect yourself from the flu, car accidents, and STD’s but then do nothing to protect yourself from people that bring negativity and promote what can’t be done! There are laws that supposedly protect people from being mistreated or prejudiced, but no rules or laws to prevent the negative and the quitters from polluting the rest of us.
The government has a Clean Air Act, but when will you legislate the rules of your own environment? You need a policy of no negativity!