If You Are Putting Up With It, You Endorse It! Sneak Preview
In this episode, Larry reveals an ugly truth that few ever face or deal with: If you are putting up with something in your life, it’s the same as endorsing it. Ouch! Larry walks you through a hard look at your results, your business and even your family and friends and asks you to evaluate why you are endorsing things you don’t want to have happening. Then he interviews, Pat Mussieux, author of Stop Compromising and Make All The Money You Want. Pat calls herself The Queen Of Compromise and has a great personal story about how she turned her life around and became a super-successful entrepreneur. She has even won the STEVIE Award (Female Entrepreneur Of The Year In Canada) 3 years in a row. This is one of the most eye-opening, life and business changing, practical episodes you will ever watch! Find out more about Pat Mussieux at www.HirePat.com