WARNING: You could be leaving 16 grand on the table today if you don’t read this article.
Read on to find out why….
If you want to discover how to radically transform EVERY area of your life in 2023…
So you can start creating success in your relationships, your business, and your finances…
Then this is the MOST important message you’re going to read today.
Because I’m going to reveal some BIG secrets I’ve been keeping from you…
And it all started with quitting drugs successfully for the first time in my life.
When I finally quit, I was terrified of going back to society.
EVERYONE I knew was using drugs: my friends, my ex-girlfriend, and even my co-workers.
So I quit hanging out with people who did not have ethics and discipline in their lives…
Who weren’t committed to the same things that I was.
But it wasn’t easy meeting new people either.
As a business owner, I had to make tons of cold calls on strangers.
I’ve had doors shut in my face countless times.
My network wasn’t generating new opportunities, relationships, and income at 10X levels…
I knew something HAD to change.
I had to figure out the secret of attracting MULTIPLE high-quality people into my life.
You know how I always say – your network is your net worth?
My 10X Growth Conference is where I uncovered the SECRET to unlocking my network and net worth – and I’ll tell you about it in a minute.
Listen, this conference is happening again on February 14-16, 2023, in Las Vegas…
And at this event, you’re going to discover everything they never taught you at school – broken down for you step-by-step:
– How do you ATTRACT successful people into your life?
– How do you significantly transform your NET WORTH?
– What are successful people doing with their lives – and how are they achieving success?
– What are the top businesses doing to CRUSH their industries today?
You’ll also gain access to some world-class speakers (more on this in a moment).
Even better, you will learn HOW your fellow 10X’ers managed to transform their lives.
You’ll see them up on stage sharing how they started with average performance in their lives, careers, and businesses…
Then they came to the 10X Growth Conference.
They FINALLY surrounded themselves with the right people… and got the RIGHT information on how to succeed.
And now, they’re CRUSHING it in every area of their lives!
Thinking about it – YOU could be just like them.
Don’t believe me?
Here’s what previous attendees have said about my 10X Growth Conferences:
“This is my 5th out of the 6th 10X Growth Con I attended. Grant Cardone never disappoints. Tremendous speakers, knowledge dropping and networking. I have already secured my Growth Xon 7th ticket with an upgrade to Premier. Can’t wait!!” – Ginger K.
“This 10X event was my first, unreal! Grant Cardone put together an All Star lineup better than I ever expected! I should say, “Grant and his TEAM?” due to the fact nobody could throw that much talent together by themselves? Looking forward to Vegas next year! This event really expanded my mind to some huge possibilities, time to 10X some targets! See you in Vegas.” – John G.
Look, I PROMISE you will go home after 3 days at my 10X Growth Conference thinking:
(1) “Wow, what a crazy, unbelievable event. This is what 10X looks like.”
(2) “Now I’ve seen examples of what I can be… what I SHOULD be.”
(3) “There are SO many ways to make a difference… to make money… and to be successful.”
⇒ Grab your 10X Growth Conference seats NOW
Because here’s another secret:
I spend MILLIONS on this event each year… and I don’t actually make much money on this event.
(Do the math and you’ll see how – when I reveal the price of your seat below.)
So why am I doing this?
Because the 10X Growth Conference gives me an opportunity to spend time with some of the most talented, gifted figures on this planet…
People like Tommy Hilfiger, Drew Brees, Floyd Mayweather, Kevin Hart, John Travolta, Usher…
And then, I get to share their secrets with a super cool audience. That’s YOU.
Look, NO ONE else – on TV or social media – is doing what I’m doing.
Nobody is gathering the cream of the crop in ONE room for THREE whole days.
Because here’s my BIGGEST secret of all:
My 10X Growth Conference guests TRUST me.
They allow me to ask them very personal questions about:
– HOW they got to where they are today
– How they stayed in their game for SO long
– The mistakes they made – the ones they’ve NEVER shared with anyone else
You’ll hear them share things in this room you’ll NEVER hear elsewhere.
In fact, this has been the GREATEST key to my success.
Because if you know how to avoid all the mistakes and pitfalls…
And you’re a doer, an action-taker like me…
All that’s really left for you to do is to SUCCEED.
That’s why the 10X Growth Conference is so powerful.
When you finally get the RIGHT information from people who have made it…
And surround yourself with COMMITTED folks like yourself…
And you start taking the right amount of MASSIVE action…
Suddenly, having multiple wildly successful businesses becomes POSSIBLE.
So if you’re not where you want to be in life yet, then the 10X Growth Conference is the place that you need to be.
And if you act NOW on my holiday special… you’ll get:
– A VIP seat at the LARGEST business conference in the world
– An EXCLUSIVE 3-day VIP pass to the event
– Access to WORLD-CLASS celebrity speakers (I have HUGE surprises planned for you)
– A VIP welcome to Las Vegas that’s like no other event in history!
– VIP networking opportunities… with your next big client or collaborator
– World-class VIP luncheons = more opportunities to grow your network and net worth
– An inside look at MY exclusive network – the high-powered people you need to know to succeed
⇒ So secure your VIP seats NOW
I promise you’ll never forget this experience… and you’ll never miss the money you spend on it.
Look, I’m investing millions of dollars to organize this for YOU.
So if you’re wondering just how much this costs…
Consider this: some of my mentees pay me up to $125,000 just to talk to me one-on-one.
And these 10X Growth Conference VIP seats are already a STEAL at the original price of $9,997…
Especially since the revenue growth you could gain from this event – could pay for your ticket MULTIPLE times over.
But I’m NOT going to ask you to pay any of that today.
🔥 If you access my Holiday Special right now, you can get your VIP ticket for just $2,000 and save $7,997 today.
🔥 Even better, bring someone you care about with you and get 2 VIP tickets at $3,500 – and you both save $16,494 in total – on Valentine’s Day 2023, no less!
That’s up to 82% off if you act now, so you’d be leaving 16 GRAND on the table if you walk away today.
To make this more of a no-brainer for you, your tickets are 100% Guaranteed RISK-FREE.
Just email my team at least 15 days in advance if you can’t show up, and you will get a 100% credit at my store… no questions asked.
That said – make sure you DO show up, because of all the reasons I explained above.
One more thing.
I’ll even throw in a 10X Swag Box FILLED with cool 10X merchandise for you… but ONLY if you grab yours while supplies last.
So what are you waiting for?
If you’re ready to start making more money and growing your network at 10X levels… then I urge you to secure your seats NOW.
Because I’m confident that the 10X Growth Conference can help you 10X your life, your income, and your business… no matter where you’re at in your career… or what the economy is doing…
And I KNOW these seats will sell out by Christmas.
Look, the choice is yours.
You can close this email and go back to figuring it all out on your own.
And you can stay frustrated at the stagnant growth in your relationships… your network… your yearly revenue… your annual income.
Or you could grab your tickets right NOW.
This time next year, you could be seeing a 10X transformation in every area of your life…
And you’ll be happily recalling the great memories, opportunities, and connections you gained at the Conference…
You decide which path to take… but the time to act is NOW.
Go here now to grab your VIP seats…
Or call my office at 1-800-368-5771 – my team is ready to help you out.
See you in February 2023!
Be Great,
– Grant Cardone
P.S. 🔥 BONUS TIPS – If I were coming to this conference as an attendee… Here’s what I’d do to start preparing.
(1) You need to ask yourself these questions before the conference:
– What do I need to learn?
– What gaps do I have in my business or career?
– Who do I need to meet?
– What am I prepared to give up if I really want to make a big move?
(2) You need to get committed to your game.
Everyone in the room paid for their tickets, took three days off work, paid for their flights, and booked their hotel rooms for this.
They’re invested. They’re committed.
So make sure to get your head in the game. Be PRESENT.
(3) You need to be ready to meet new people.
The room is where the power is.
Don’t just stand outside… come into the room, start looking around, and start shooting the shit with strangers.
Ask people to tell you more about themselves. People love that.
Questions you can ask include:
– What kind of business are you in?
– What’s your business about?
– Is there a way for me to support your business?
This is the secret sauce.
This is where the magic happens – where YOUR business and career could blow up… Where YOUR income could blow up.
This is what 10X looks like.
Don’t have your ticket yet?
⇒ Go here to grab your VIP seats NOW.
Disclaimer: This content is intended to be used for educational and informational purposes only. Individual results may vary. You should perform your own due diligence and seek the advice from a professional to verify any information on our website or materials that you are relying upon if you choose to make an investment or business decision. Investment, real estate, and business involve great risk and there is no guarantee of performance or results.
We are not attorneys, investment advisers, accountants, tax professionals or financial advisers and any of the content presented should not be taken as professional advice. We recommend seeking the advice of a financial professional before you invest, and we accept no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage you may incur.