Do You Lack Purpose? Get Obsessed.
A long time ago, I worked at McDonalds, but then I got fired.
I was a terrible employee. I showed up late. I had a bad attitude. They said to me,“Dude, give me your hat, get out of here,” and I said, “I’d be happy to.”
I then went on to sales and was fired from that at least three times. I failed because I didn’t care about those jobs. I wasn’t committed and they weren’t building towards my purpose. So many people are going to work doing something they don’t believe in. Who wants to work 10 hours a day at that? I don’t even want to do 30 minutes.
You don’t get burnt out from work. You can’t burn at both ends—you aren’t a candle. You burn out because you aren’t working on your purpose.
Once I finally woke up from my period of misdirection and misinformation, I committed all my energy to my career. Ever since the age of 25, the one thing I did right—whether it was in my first sales job or the first company I built—was to approach whatever task was before me with massive amounts of action. It was never retreat, no action, or even average amounts; it was constant, persistent, immense, obsessed-levels of attack on the target.
There’s nothing wrong with being obsessed. I’m obsessed about my family, my wife, my two little girls and my purpose. I’m obsessed about my next book project, my network, my online sales training university and everything else that is pushing my purpose—to help people. I’m obsessed with helping people. It doesn’t mean I have a disease. Steve Jobs was obsessed. Bill Gates was obsessed. Oprah was, and still is, obsessed. They don’t have problems they have massive success. That’s passion.
Business is going to continue to remain difficult if you operate like it’s 20 years ago. It’s now a time of constant change, new technology is invented, used up and left behind every day. Consumers have more information but are more uncertain than ever. People are informed, but this wealth of information also provides misinformation. It makes it difficult for people to have trusting relationships with businesses. The American people need to relearn how to do business in America. It doesn’t mean the future is going to be terrible, it just means it’s going to reward only the people who know how to play the game—the game of sales.
If you want to step up your sales game, give my guys a call at 310.777.0255 or visit Cardone University.
Be great,
Grant Cardone