Grant Cardone offers insights and advice to help the middle-class break out and achieve true freedom in business, career and finance. Each week NY Times best-selling author, self-made multimillionaire entrepreneur and international sales expert Grant Cardone focuses on matters affecting the middle class.
Whether it’s jobs and careers, finance, entrepreneurship, Grant’s real, raw in-your-face delivery serves as a wake-up call for anyone ok with just being comfortable. The Cardone Zone is like no other business show presently on air. After watching one episode, you’ll be inspired to make success your duty, responsibility and obligation as you break free of the middle class and break into true freedom.
Every Friday at 12 PM Eastern Standard Time, Grant is delivering Cardone Zone to you. Where he talks about success, money, finance, and career—to get you to financial freedom.
This week Grant talks about going from broke, to just okay financially, to creating true financial prosperity so that he can now teach others to do the same.
“If you’re making pennies, you can’t solve your problems.” – GC
Hey, the US government is lying you to, and it’s not just about your wages.
Just compare these two things:
• Here is the Cost of Living in these 20 Major US Cities
• EPI: Family Budget Calculator
Saint Louis, Illinois families are coming up $19,000 short if they have a median income and lives with 2 adults and 2 children.
What You Need to Know:
1. You’re being lied to.
2. You do not make enough money.
3. You are the only way out of this.
4. Learn how to sell, and you’ll never be without money.
Listen to the full episode to hear all of Grant’s insight on how to break through your ‘cost of living’ trap.
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